Terrific Cakes: A Nightmare on elm Street - Burnt to a Krueger Cake
Wes Craven really knows how to make you care about someone before he purees them.
Terrific Cakes: The Fly- BrundleBurger with Toasted Sesame and Cheddar Cheese
Be afraid. Be very afraid of how good these flavors actually go together.
Terrific Cakes:Poltergeist - I’ve Been Twaumatized (Festive Log)
I moved the year, but not the bodies.
Terrific Cakes: The Descent - Dirt Nap Pudding
You’ll want to take a dirt nap after all this goopey, rich, rich, rich chocolate.
Terrific Cakes: You’ll Just Die (If You Don’t Get This Recipe) - Ring Ding Surprise
There'll be somebody with my name, and he'll cook and clean like crazy, but he won't recreate horror movies, and he won't be me!