Cake Week 9:

STranger in a hot land

Cake Week Nine was the first Cake Week in our new home. Eyes had not found their ways onto cakes (yet), but the final cake gave a hint of things to come.

Other things that came to me this Cake Week was the incredible, headache inducing, inescapable heat of the home my husband and I had moved into the previous fall.

There are a few things to know about me and heat:

  1. I am painfully fragile when it comes to heat. If it is above eighty degrees and at all humid, I WILL sweat through my clothes. I’m not just talking T-shirt here, I’m talking shorts. I’m talking canvas shoes. I’m talking people asking me if I’m okay.

  2. I have lived in incredible hot places. I’ve lived in DC where I walked to work in the summer. I’ve lived in NYC without AC. I’ve lived in Abu Dhabi where the heat index gets to 128 degrees.

So I’ve always had a hate-hate relationship with heat, and yet heat has been a constant companion since I left the gloriously brisk environs of my native Minnesota.

For the heat and the unfamiliarity of my new community, Cake Week Nine was a labor of love… and frustration… and swollen rage.


Cake Week Ten: DECADEnce